Tests & Trials

Trials done on a farm in Massachussetts: Kale & Cucumber

Hydroponic Trials: Spring 2022
Cucumber :

 Long English Cucumber trial with Aquaphos® at one of the top greenhouses in southern California

The Trial: 

  • 22,000 cucumber plants were treated with Aquaphos®
  • Total Grow period – 22 Weeks
  • Treatment period – 7 weeks


  • Control and treated plants had identical hydroponic fertigation.
  • There were no other microbial in the fertigation system.
  • Only variable was AguaPhos® treatment. AguaPhos® was applied in  addition to the fertigation tank and passed through the valves.

Hydroponic Trials

Roots of Hydroponic Trial



9 Week Corn trial at a University

Picture of the left: No added fertilizer.

(Left: control; Right: Treated with Aguaphos)

Picture on the right: control – 100% compost, treated – 100% compost with AguaPhos.

• Treated plants had 15-20% more leaves and more tassels

• Phosphate levels in AguaPhos treated plant-roots were 12.7% higher


Cannabis Trials: Hydroponic Grow house

5 week treatment, 

Flowering stage only

Key differences:

• Wet weights of AguaPhos treated plants (1.5g/week) was 27.3% higher than control

• Buds of AguaPhos treated plants were larger than control samples

Control bud: ~32 mm x 62 mm

Hi-dose bud ~40 mm x 80 mm

SoyaBean Trial
Month prior harvest

Increased root length

Increased root branching

Higher number of pods

Healthier pod

Testing done by SGS – SD

Same amount of NPK fertilizer used in treated and untreated plants

Grapevine Trials - Petiole Analysis

Test done in India on Thompson Grapes
Both treated and untreated lots in the same farm with same NPK fertilizer amount