What is AguaPhos?

AguaPhos is a biofertilizer made up of a high efficacy strain Bacillus Megaterium, it is a single microorganism inoculant with a concentrated dose of 5 billion cfu/g.  AguaPhos is a gram-positive, rod-shaped bacterium that belongs to the genus Bacillus. It is a facultative anaerobe, meaning that it can grow in the presence or absence of oxygen, and is commonly found in soil and water. It is known to play a role in nutrient cycling and can also be used as a biopesticide for controlling plant pathogens. AguaPhos is known to produce several enzymes and other compounds that are used industrially, including proteases, amylases, and lipases. It is also used as a model organism in research, particularly in the fields of genetics and biotechnology.  The organism is nonpathogenic and does not cause disease in humans.

AguaPhos can be used in agriculture in a variety of ways to improve crop yield and plant health. Here are some ways in which AguaPhos can be used in agriculture:

  1. Soil application: AguaPhos can be used as a biofertilizer to promote plant growth and nutrient uptake. As a soil inoculant, AguaPhos can help solubilize soil nutrients, such as phosphorus, and make them more available to plants. AguaPhos can also produce plant growth-promoting hormones and enzymes that can stimulate root growth and improve nutrient uptake.
  2. Hydroponic systems: AguaPhos can be used in hydroponic systems to promote plant growth and nutrient uptake. In hydroponics, AguaPhos can help solubilize nutrients and promote the formation of biofilms that can protect roots from pathogens and promote nutrient uptake.
  3. Foliar Spray:  AguaPhos can be used as a foliar spray to promote plant growth and protect plants from diseases. AguaPhos can colonize the plant’s leaves and produce antibacterial and antifungal compounds that can help protect the plant from pathogens.  Additionally, AguaPhos can produce plant growth-promoting substances, such as auxins, gibberellins, and cytokinins, that can stimulate plant growth and development. This can help increase crop yields and improve the overall health and quality of the plants.
  4. Seed treatment: AguaPhos can be used as a seed treatment to improve germination and early seedling growth. Treating seeds with AguaPhos can promote the growth of healthy seedlings and reduce the incidence of seedling diseases.

AguaPhos is a versatile product that can be used in agriculture in a variety of ways to promote plant growth, improve nutrient uptake, and reduce the incidence of plant diseases. By using AguaPhos, farmers and growers can improve the sustainability of their agricultural practices and reduce their reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

AguaPhos can be beneficial throughout the entire life cycle of a plant, but there may be certain stages where it is needed more than others.

  • During the early stages of plant growth, AguaPhos can help to improve nutrient uptake and root development. This can lead to stronger, healthier plants and better yields later on. In hydroponics, AguaPhos can be added to the nutrient solution or directly to the roots of the plants during the germination and seedling stages to promote healthy root development and growth.
  • During the vegetative stage, AguaPhos can help to stimulate plant growth and improve overall plant health. It can also help to improve nutrient uptake and reduce the risk of disease outbreaks, which can be particularly important during this stage when plants are rapidly growing and developing.
  • During the flowering and fruiting stages, AguaPhos can help to improve nutrient uptake and support the development of strong, healthy flowers and fruit. This can lead to improved yields and quality.

Overall, AguaPhos can be beneficial at all stages of plant growth, but the specific needs may vary depending on the plant species, growing conditions, and management practices being used.

AguaPhos is a plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) that has been found to offer a wide range of benefits. Rhizobacteria are microorganisms that form a symbiotic relationship with plants, providing them with essential nutrients and growth-promoting compounds in exchange for sugars produced through photosynthesis.  

One of the key benefits of using AguaPhos is improved plant growth. In several tests, AguaPhos use has enhanced root development and nutrient uptake, leading to larger and more vigorous plants. This increased root growth is thought to result from the bacterium’s ability to produce plant growth-promoting compounds, such as indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), and to enhance the uptake of essential nutrients by the roots.  AguaPhos has been found to enhance the root uptake of important nutrients, primarily phosphorus, but also other macro and micro-nutrients.  This leads to healthier and more productive plants, with improved growth and increased yields.

AguaPhos has also been found to increase the stress tolerance of plants, helping them to withstand environmental stressors, such as drought, high temperatures, and soil salinity. This increased stress tolerance can result in higher crop yields and improved plant survival, making AguaPhos a valuable tool for sustainable agriculture.  In addition to its beneficial effects on plant growth and health, AguaPhos has also been found to improve the resistance of plants to diseases. This bacterium can stimulate the plant’s natural defense mechanisms, reducing the incidence of diseases and resulting in healthier plants. This improved disease resistance can lead to reduced use of pesticides and other chemicals, making AguaPhos a valuable tool for organic and sustainable agriculture.

Finally, AguaPhos contributes to the health of the soil in which it lives. This bacterium can promote the growth of beneficial microorganisms, such as nitrogen-fixing bacteria, and improve soil structure, resulting in better soil fertility and improved plant growth. Additionally, the bacterium has been found to produce a range of enzymes and other compounds that can break down organic matter, contributing to the recycling of nutrients in the soil.

The recommended dosage and method of incorporation of AguaPhos in soil application can vary depending on the specific crop being grown, soil conditions, and the product being used. AguaPhos dissolves easily in water and does not clog sprinklers.  The benefits of AguaPhos as a soil inoculant can be observed in both conventional and organic farming systems. However, the specific benefits may differ depending on the farming system and management practices used. 

  • In conventional farming systems, AguaPhos can be used in conjunction with other chemical fertilizers and pesticides. In fact, it is recommended to use AguaPhos as a complementary treatment to conventional inputs such as chemical fertilizers and pesticides.  However, it is recommended to delay the application of AguaPhos by a few days after using chemical fertilizers or pesticides as some chemical inputs, particularly pesticides, can have negative effects on soil microbial communities, including those in AguaPhos.  When used with chemical fertilizers, AguaPhos can help to improve nutrient uptake and reduce the need for excessive fertilizer application. This can lead to reduced fertilizer costs and environmental pollution, while maintaining or increasing crop yields thereby making AguaPhos a cost-effective option for conventional farmers. When used with pesticides, AguaPhos can help to mitigate the negative impacts of these chemicals on soil and plant health. Pesticides can have negative effects on soil microbial communities, which can affect nutrient cycling and plant growth. AguaPhos can help to maintain or improve soil microbial diversity, which can improve soil health and promote plant growth. It is important to note that the specific interactions between AguaPhos and chemical inputs can vary depending on the specific inputs being used, the crop being grown, and the soil type. It is recommended to consult with JDS EcoSolutions when incorporating AguaPhos into a crop management program to ensure that it is being used effectively and safely.
  • In organic farming systems, AguaPhos can improve soil health and promote plant growth by providing natural sources of nutrients and increasing soil microbial diversity. Organic farmers often rely on soil amendments such as compost and manure to provide nutrients to crops. AguaPhos can enhance the breakdown of these organic materials, releasing nutrients for plant uptake. Additionally, AguaPhos can improve soil structure, water-holding capacity, and nutrient retention, which can lead to improved crop yields and soil health.

Recommended Dosage: The recommended dosage of AguaPhos as a soil inoculant can vary depending on the product being used and the crop being grown. In general, typical dosage ranges from 1-10 grams per kilogram of seed. In a drench or any watering system, use 5 grams (i.e. ½ tsp) per gallon of water.  

Method of incorporation: There are several ways to incorporate AguaPhos into the soil, including broadcast application, in-furrow application, and through drip irrigation. The method of incorporation can vary depending on the specific crop being grown and the equipment available. Here are some common methods of incorporating AguaPhos in soil application:

  1. Broadcast application: AguaPhos can be applied to the soil surface before planting by broadcasting the product over the field. After broadcasting, the soil can be lightly tilled or watered to ensure good soil contact.
  2. In-furrow application: AguaPhos can be applied in the planting furrow at the time of planting. This method ensures close contact between the AguaPhos and the plant roots, providing optimal conditions for colonization.
  3. Drip irrigation: AguaPhos can be applied through drip irrigation by adding the product to the irrigation water. This method allows for even distribution of the product throughout the soil, providing more uniform colonization of the plant roots.

It is important to note that the effectiveness of AguaPhos as a soil inoculant can be influenced by factors such as soil pH, temperature, and moisture content. Therefore, it is important to consider these factors when using AguaPhos as a soil inoculant. Additionally, it is important to store AguaPhos in a cool, dry place to maintain its viability and effectiveness.

AguaPhos can provide several benefits when used as a microbial inoculant in hydroponics systems. Some potential benefits include:

  1. Improved nutrient uptake: AguaPhos can solubilize nutrients in the hydroponic nutrient solution, making them more available for plant uptake. This can help to improve plant growth and reduce the need for additional nutrient inputs.
  2. Enhanced plant growth: AguaPhos can produce plant growth-promoting compounds such as auxins, gibberellins, and cytokinins. These compounds can stimulate plant growth and development, leading to improved yields and quality.
  3. Disease suppression: AguaPhos can produce antimicrobial compounds that can help to suppress the growth of plant pathogens in the hydroponic system. This can reduce the risk of disease outbreaks and improve overall plant health.
  4. Reduced environmental impact: By improving nutrient uptake and reducing the need for additional inputs, AguaPhos can help to reduce the environmental impact of hydroponic systems. This can include reducing nutrient runoff and reducing the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers.

Overall, AguaPhos can provide several potential benefits when used as a microbial inoculant in hydroponic systems. However, the specific benefits will depend on the specific system and management practices used. It is imperative that hydroponic media is monitored carefully and regularly and good sanitation practices are followed at all times. It is recommended to consult with a qualified hydroponic specialist or agronomist when incorporating AguaPhos into a hydroponic system to ensure that it is being used effectively and safely.

AguaPhos can provide several benefits when used in composting. Here are some of the benefits:

  1. Accelerated composting: AguaPhos is a potent decomposer and can break down organic matter quickly leading to the formation of humus and nutrient content. It can accelerate the composting process and reduce the time needed for the compost to be ready for use.
  2. Improved nutrient content: AguaPhos can break down organic matter more efficiently than other microorganisms. This can lead to formation of humus and higher nutrient content, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
  3. Increase CEC:  AguaPhos is known to enhance the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of compost.  CEC is the ability of soil or compost to hold and exchange positively charged ions such as calcium, magnesium and potassium with the soil solution.  AguaPhos produced organic acids such as citric acid, malic acid and oxalic acid that can chelate these cations and make them more available to the plants.  The organic acids also help to break down complex organic matter in the compost, which further improves its CEC.  
  4. Reduced odors: AguaPhos can help to reduce unpleasant odors in compost piles. It can break down odor-causing compounds and produce less offensive byproducts.
  5. Disease suppression: AguaPhos can suppress the growth of harmful microorganisms in the compost pile. This can reduce the risk of plant diseases when the compost is used as a soil amendment.
  6. Improved soil structure: Compost containing AguaPhos can improve soil structure and water-holding capacity. This can lead to better plant growth and higher yields.

Note that AguaPhos is a heterotrophic bacterium, which means it requires an external source of organic carbon for growth and survival. In compost, AguaPhos relies on the organic matter present in the feedstock as a carbon source for its metabolism. If the feedstock contains a high proportion of easily-degradable organic matter, such as green plant material, the bacteria may have a readily available source of carbon and may be more active. On the other hand, if the feedstock is low in organic matter or contains mostly woody material, AguaPhos may be less active, as it cannot efficiently metabolize the more recalcitrant organic matter.

It is recommended to dissolve AguaPhos in water before adding it to compost for best incorporation. This allows for even distribution of the bacteria throughout the compost pile and increases the chances of the bacteria coming in contact with organic matter, where it can carry out its functions effectively.  It is important to note that the optimal time to add AguaPhos to compost can depend on the specific feedstock profile and the composting process being employed. In some cases, it may be best to add the bacteria at the beginning of the composting process to ensure adequate time for colonization and activity, while in other cases it may be more appropriate to add it during the active composting phase to help accelerate the process.  

The appropriate dosage of AguaPhos for compost application can vary depending on several factors, such as the type of compost and the desired outcomes. However, as a general guideline, it is recommended to use 5 grams of AguaPhos per cubic yard of compost.  

It is important to note that using too much AguaPhos may not necessarily result in better composting performance, and can even have negative effects. Excessive bacterial populations can lead to competition for resources, resulting in lower overall microbial diversity and reduced nutrient cycling efficiency. Additionally, the overgrowth of bacteria can cause a decline in pH, which can affect the composting process and make it less favorable for other microorganisms.  To ensure optimal results and minimize the risk of negative impacts, it is recommended to start with a lower dosage and evaluate results and then adjust as needed.  Additionally, it is important to maintain adequate moisture and aeration in the compost pile, as well as proper temperature conditions, to support the growth and activity of AguaPhos and other beneficial microorganisms.

AguaPhos can be used very effectively as a foliar spray.  Note that AguaPhos is also able to utilize various carbon sources present on the leaf surface, such as sugars and organic acids, which can support its metabolism and cellular functions. Moreover, the microorganism in AguaPhos can produce various extracellular enzymes, such as cellulases and proteases, which can break down complex organic compounds into simpler forms that can be utilized by the bacterium as well.  

AguaPhos creates biofilms on plant leaves that act as a reservoir of nutrients, including amino acids, vitamins, and hormones, for the plant.  These nutrients are then available for the plant to absorb through the leaf surface, providing an additional source of nutrients to supplement those absorbed through the roots.  Biofilms also protect the plant from environmental stressors, such as UV radiation and drought, and can help regulate the pH and moisture levels on the leaf surface, creating a more favorable environment for nutrient absorption.  Furthermore, biofilms can also prevent the growth and colonization of harmful pathogens on the leaf surface, reducing the risk of disease and infection. This is particularly important in organic farming systems, where the use of synthetic pesticides is prohibited, and disease control relies on natural, biological methods.  

Additionally, it’s worth noting that the microorganism in AguaPhos has been used as a biopesticide against plant pathogens such as powdery mildew and botrytis. When applied to the leaves of the plant, AguaPhos can produce enzymes such as chitinases and beta-1,3-glucanases, which can degrade the cell walls of the powdery mildew fungus, thereby inhibiting its growth.  AguaPhos can produce other metabolites such as hydrogen peroxide and organic acids, which can create an environment that is hostile to the powdery mildew fungus. This can help to prevent new infections as well as control existing infections.  It is worth noting that AguaPhos can also help to promote the plant’s own defense mechanisms, by producing compounds that are involved in the plant’s systemic acquired resistance (SAR) response. This can help to make the plant more resistant to infection and reduce the amount of the pathogen required to cause symptoms.  Note that the organism in AguaPhos has been reported to have a broad-spectrum activity against many pathogens, but efficacy can vary depending on the environmental conditions and the pathogen. Additionally, the best results are achieved by applying the product early in the infection and in combination with other agronomic practices.

It is important to note that when using AguaPhos or any other microbial product as a foliar spray, it should be tested on a small scale before being applied to large areas, as different plants may have different responses to the product.

The dosage range for using AguaPhos in foliar spray can vary depending on the specific product or formulation being used, as well as the crop and growth stage being targeted. However, typical application rates for AguaPhos in foliar sprays range should be 5-10 grams per gallon of water.

AguaPhos can be used as a seed coating to improve seedling vigor, nutrient uptake, and overall plant growth. Here are some of its potential benefits:  

  1. Protection against pathogens: AguaPhos can produce antibiotics and other secondary metabolites that can protect seeds from pathogens such as fungi, bacteria, and viruses.
  2. Improved nutrient uptake: AguaPhos can solubilize phosphorus and other nutrients in the soil, making them more available for plant uptake. This can improve seedling growth and development, as well as overall plant health.
  3. Enhanced root development: AguaPhos can stimulate root growth and development by producing plant growth-promoting substances such as auxins and cytokinins. This can help seedlings establish themselves more quickly and effectively in the soil.
  4. Increased drought tolerance: AguaPhos can help plants tolerate drought stress by producing osmoprotectants such as trehalose, which can help regulate water uptake and maintain cell structure and function under drought conditions.
  5. Enhanced nutrient use efficiency: AguaPhos can improve nutrient use efficiency by enhancing the uptake and utilization of nutrients by plants. This can result in higher yields and improved crop quality.

Overall, using AguaPhos as a seed coating can provide a range of benefits for plant growth and development, as well as protection against pathogens and environmental stressors.

It is best to create a suspension of AguaPhos using 20-50 grams per liter of water or mineral nutrient solution along with a suitable suspension material like gelatin, clay or starch.  Mix the seeds in the suspension so that they are coated with the suspension.  Then dry the seeds.