
At JDS Ecosolutions,
we offer game-changing solutions
by harnessing the power of natural

Our Microbial products also called Biofertilizers contain friendly bacteria that, when introduced to soil, increase soil fertility and promote plant growth. They’re eco-friendly, cost-effective, and proven to improve soil texture and crop yield.

Soil Application
Our Microbial products can be used to promote plant growth and nutrient uptake. As soil inoculants, they can help solubilize soil nutrients, such as phosphorus, and make them more available to plants. They can also produce plant growth-promoting hormones and enzymes that can stimulate root growth and improve nutrient uptake, improve plant strength and ability to tolerate unfavorable environmental conditions and stimulate flower blooms, seed development, and earlier crop maturity.

Discover how JDS Ecosolutions can revolutionize your indoor farming practices and elevate your production to new heights!
Large Indoor farms rely on hydroponic systems to achieve precision, efficiency, and sustainability.
JDS Ecosolution microbial products offer a game-changing advantage in hydroponics, where nutrient delivery is paramount. By introducing these revolutionary formulations to your hydroponic setups, you unlock the full potential of beneficial microbes. Experience accelerated nutrient absorption, enhanced root development, and fortified disease resistance. Elevate your indoor hydroponic production to unprecedented levels with JDS Ecosolution microbial products as your secret weapon.
JDS Ecosolutions strained based microbial products are poised to transform your large-scale farming operations and maximize yields in your cutting-edge indoor grow houses.

Composting Solutions
JDS Ecosolutions microbial products provide a breakthrough in composting technology, accelerating the decomposition process and enhancing nutrient conversion. The carefully selected microbial strains within these products work synergistically to break down organic matter efficiently, ensuring rapid compost maturation. With JDS Ecosolution’s microbial products, you can transform your compost pile into a dynamic, nutrient-rich powerhouse, contributing to a circular economy and minimizing environmental impact.
Seamlessly integrate JDS Ecosolution microbial products into your composting system and witness the transformation of organic waste into a valuable resource for your farms.


Foliar Spray
AguaPhos can be used very effectively as a foliar spray.  Note that AguaPhos is also able to utilize various carbon sources present on the leaf surface, such as sugars and organic acids, which can support its metabolism and cellular functions. Moreover, the microorganism in AguaPhos can produce various extracellular enzymes, such as cellulases and proteases, which can break down complex organic compounds into simpler forms that can be utilized by the bacterium as well.  

AguaPhos creates biofilms on plant leaves that act as a reservoir of nutrients, including amino acids, vitamins, and hormones, for the plant.  These nutrients are then available for the plant to absorb through the leaf surface, providing an additional source of nutrients to supplement those absorbed through the roots.  Biofilms also protect the plant from environmental stressors, such as UV radiation and drought, and can help regulate the pH and moisture levels on the leaf surface, creating a more favorable environment for nutrient absorption.  Furthermore, biofilms can also prevent the growth and colonization of harmful pathogens on the leaf surface, reducing the risk of disease and infection. This is particularly important in organic farming systems, where the use of synthetic pesticides is prohibited, and disease control relies on natural, biological methods.  

Additionally, it’s worth noting that the microorganism in AguaPhos has been used as a biopesticide against plant pathogens such as powdery mildew and botrytis. When applied to the leaves of the plant, AguaPhos can produce enzymes such as chitinases and beta-1,3-glucanases, which can degrade the cell walls of the powdery mildew fungus, thereby inhibiting its growth.  AguaPhos can produce other metabolites such as hydrogen peroxide and organic acids, which can create an environment that is hostile to the powdery mildew fungus. This can help to prevent new infections as well as control existing infections.  It is worth noting that AguaPhos can also help to promote the plant’s own defense mechanisms, by producing compounds that are involved in the plant’s systemic acquired resistance (SAR) response. This can help to make the plant more resistant to infection and reduce the amount of the pathogen required to cause symptoms.  Note that the organism in AguaPhos has been reported to have a broad-spectrum activity against many pathogens, but efficacy can vary depending on the environmental conditions and the pathogen. Additionally, the best results are achieved by applying the product early in the infection and in combination with other agronomic practices.

It is important to note that when using AguaPhos or any other microbial product as a foliar spray, it should be tested on a small scale before being applied to large areas, as different plants may have different responses to the product.


Seed Coating
AguaPhos can be used as a seed coating to improve seedling vigor, nutrient uptake, and overall plant growth. Here are some of its potential benefits:  

  1. Protection against pathogens: AguaPhos can produce antibiotics and other secondary metabolites that can protect seeds from pathogens such as fungi, bacteria, and viruses.
  2. Improved nutrient uptake: AguaPhos can solubilize phosphorus and other nutrients in the soil, making them more available for plant uptake. This can improve seedling growth and development, as well as overall plant health.
  3. Enhanced root development: AguaPhos can stimulate root growth and development by producing plant growth-promoting substances such as auxins and cytokinins. This can help seedlings establish themselves more quickly and effectively in the soil.
  4. Increased drought tolerance: AguaPhos can help plants tolerate drought stress by producing osmoprotectants such as trehalose, which can help regulate water uptake and maintain cell structure and function under drought conditions.
  5. Enhanced nutrient use efficiency: AguaPhos can improve nutrient use efficiency by enhancing the uptake and utilization of nutrients by plants. This can result in higher yields and improved crop quality.

Overall, using AguaPhos as a seed coating can provide a range of benefits for plant growth and development, as well as protection against pathogens and environmental stressors.